So, transfers are on Wednesday, and I'm leaving Chevy Chase! It's
super sad, but I'm so grateful that I've been able to serve there for
the past 9 months. It's been the greatest experience and I love this
area SO MUCH! Change is good though, and I'm excited for the upcoming
transfer. I'll be leaving the Visitors Center, they're sending me
"outbound" (I'm going to a non-VC area for 2 transfers). It's weird
but it'll be a good experience!
This past week has been awesome
though, Nian got baptized on Tuesday night! We got there to fill up
the font around 4. Pulling in, we realized that the church parking lot
hadn't been plowed yet, it was still buried in 3 feet of snow, which
was an issue. Trying to have a baptism here. The zone leaders had
taken all the snow shovels from the church, so we called and asked if
they could bring them back. Turns out they had a huge group of
missionaries and shovels, and offered to come help us shovel! Long
story short we ended up shoveling like 3,000 lbs of snow and the
baptism was AWESOME. We took Nian out to lunch at Cheesecake Factory
for lunch on Wednesday, and then had a big goodbye party for him
yesterday after church. He's on his way back to China right now, but
will be back for school in the fall! I don't have a lot of time to
write today, but life is good and this week was awesome! I'm really
looking forward to the new transfer and I've been super blessed.
Life's good!
Sister Emily Wilson
Cheesecake Factory!
Rockville District
This may not seem like a big deal to y'all, but we got a new microwave in the VC. #HALLELUJAH
Nian's goodbye party yesterday!
Old maids
Lunch with the Fowlers like 10 minutes ago haha I love them SO MUCH